Digital add. Math activities games. Sumas la oruga. Caterpillar add. Spring.
Diapositivas en Genially para trabajar las sumas de forma divertida y atractiva con La Oruga muy Hambrienta / Very Hungry Caterpillar. Tu alumnado podrá jugar ya aprender tanto presencial como en educación a distancia. Válido para cualquier idioma.
Estas presentaciones pueden usarse para centros de trabajo, evaluación, rincón de trabajo, trabajo matutino y tareas. Este juego divertidos coloridos y atractivo harán que sus estudiantes están más implicando en el aprendizaje de las sumas sin llevar y hasta 10.
Será un recurso ideal para sus centros de matemáticas y a tus alumnos les encantará aprender y practicar las sumas hasta 10, sin llevadas.
Este material es ideal para Educación Infantil, Primer Ciclo de Primaria, Educación Especial, Preschool, Prek, Kindergarten y First Grade.
Contenido: Documento con instrucciones y enlace al juego interactivo. El juego está formado por 14 diapositivas/páginas interactivas, incluida en una de ellas un vídeocuento de La Oruga muy Hambrienta / Very Hungry Caterpillar, versión español. Los estudiantes tendrán que realizar las sumas teniendo en cuenta los números que indican la oruga y la mariposa.
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Digital Learning. Digital Math Games. Games Activities Genially. La Oruga muy Hambrienta / Very Hungry Caterpillar.
Slides in Genially to work on addition in a fun and attractive way for your students, both face-to-face and distance learning. Valid for any language.
These presentations can be used for job centers, assessment, work corner, morning work, and homework. This colorful and engaging fun game will get your students more involved in learning addition without carrying and up to 10.
It will be an ideal resource for your math centers and your students will love learning and practicing addition to 10, without carrying.
This material is ideal for Early Childhood Education, First Cycle of Primary, Special Education, Preschool, Prek, Kindergarten and First Grade.
Content: Document with instructions and link to the interactive game. The game consists of 14 interactive slides/pages, including a video story in one of them. Students will have to do the sums taking into account the numbers indicated.
Gratitude: If you download it and like it, don't forget to leave me a rating in the form of stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐, to see if it was useful to you. You will help me to continue creating educational resources.
Do you have any question? Write me your question and I will answer you as soon as possible.
Remember to leave your assessment so that TPT will compensate you with credits ($) that you can use for your next purchases
Would you like to receive notifications of my newly released packages and the next sale? FOLLOW ME here on TPT!
You may also be interested in these CATERPILLAR resources:
- TRAZOS Oruga.
- VOCABULARIO Oruga. Español.
- Caterpillar VOCABULARY. English.
- TIRA EL DADO, CUENTA Y TAPA. Roll, Count, & Cover.
- CONTAR. Oruga. Caterpillar. Counting.
- PLAYDOUGH Caterpillar. English.
You will find them all HERE.
You also have the Caterpillar PACKS available, with which you will save on your purchases: