
Contamos Magia / Magic Counting. Math Centers

Contamos Magia / Magic Counting. Math Centers


¿Buscas un recurso atractivo para que tu alumnado aprenda, repase, afiance contenidos matemáticos de conteo y relación número y cantidad relacionado con la MAGIA? Con este conjunto de juegos reunidos de conteo relacionados con la magia, los niños y niñas trabajarán los números del 0 al 10 de varias formas diferentes.

Este recurso está pensado para Educación Infantil, Educación Especial, Preschool, Pre-k y Kindergarten.

Un recurso ideal para trabajar el conteo, la numeración, la cantidad, los colores, la seriación, las series y ¡mucho más! y relacionado con la Magia.

Contenido: Incluye:

  • 12 maletas de mago vacías para trabajar el conteo y la orientación espacial.
  • Tarjetas de conteo de objetos de magos.
  • Objetos mágicos para colocar en tu maleta de mago, realizar series y muchos juegos más que se incluyen en las instrucciones del recurso.
  • Serie numérica del 0 al 10, para relacionar con cantidades, ordenar la serie numérica, etc...

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Are you looking for an attractive resource for your students to learn, review, and strengthen mathematical content on counting and the relationship between number and quantity related to MAGIC? With this set of magic-related counting games, boys and girls will work on numbers from 0 to 10 in several different ways.

This resource is designed for Early Childhood Education, Special Education, Preschool, Pre-k and Kindergarten.

An ideal resource to work on counting, numbering, quantity, colors, the number series, object series and much more! and related to Magic.

Content: Includes:

  • 12 empty magician's suitcases to work on counting and spatial orientation.
  • Wizards Item Counting Cards.
  • Magical objects to place in your magician's suitcase, perform series and many more games that are included in the instructions of the resource.
  • Numerical series from 0 to 10, to relate to quantities, order the numerical series, etc...

Gratitude: If you download it and like it, don't forget to leave me a rating in the form of stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐, to see if it was useful to you. You will help me to continue creating educational resources.


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Maybe you are also interested in these resources related to the MAGIC? You will find them all HERE.

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20.6 MB
31 pages
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