
Sumas y restas primavera / Addition and Subtraction Spring. Math centers

Sumas y restas primavera / Addition and Subtraction Spring. Math centers


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Trabajar las operaciones matemáticas básicas es mucho más divertido usando estas tarjetas. Con ellas el alumnado trabajará y aprenderá a sumar y restar (hasta 10 y sin llevarse) de formas más atractiva.

Un recurso ideal para trabajar de forma en la estación de PRIMAVERA y en cualquier época del año.

Estas tarjetas serán muy divertidas de usar durante en el rincón de matemáticas, contenedores matutinos, math centers, en pequeño y gran grupo durante las asambleas.

Gracias a este juego trabajaremos la operaciones matemáticas básicas de forma más divertida, amena y atractiva para nuestros estudiantes o la enseñanza en casa.

Este material es ideal para Educación Infantil, Primer Ciclo de Primaria, Educación Especial, Preschool, Prek, Kindergarten, First Grade, Second Grade, Third Grade...

El recurso tiene las tarjetas a color.

Contenido: Incluye un total de 108 tarjetas, donde trabajaremos los números del 1 al 10, divididas de la siguiente manera:

  • 40 tarjetas para sumar.
  • 68 tarjetas para restar.

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Working on basic math operations is much more fun using these cards. With them, students will work and learn to add and subtract (up to 10 and without taking) in more attractive ways.

An ideal resource to work in shape in the Spring season and at any time of the year.

These cards will be so much fun to use during math corner, morning bins, literacy centers, small and large group assemblies.

Thanks to this game we will work on the basic mathematical operations in a more fun, enjoyable and attractive way for our students or for teaching at home.

This material is ideal for Early Childhood Education, First Cycle of Primary, Special Education, Preschool, Prek, Kindergarten, First Grade, Second Grade, Third Grade...

The resource has color cards.

Content: Includes a total of 108 cards, where we will work the numbers from 1 to 10:

  • 40 cards to add.
  • 68 cards to subtract.

Gratitude: If you download it and like it, don't forget to leave me a rating in the form of stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐, to see if it was useful to you. You will help me to continue creating educational resources.


Do you have any question? Write me your question and I will answer you as soon as possible.

Remember to leave your assessment so that TPT will compensate you with credits ($) that you can use for your next purchases

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Maybe you're also interested in more SPRING resources? You will find them all HERE.

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